We can remove trees. Any size. Anywhere.

If you have a tree near your home that needs safe removal, there are many factors that an expert Arborist will need to consider before bringing out the saw. At Yankee Bell Tree Works, we spend the time identifying hazards, assessing risk, identifying removal methods, and outlining a plan from start to finish, including a thorough clean-up; This is all a part of our full-scope tree removal service.

Yankee Bell Tree Works serves homeowners in Houston County and Peach County. We are a member of the Georgia Arborist Association, and our team has the appropriate training and experience to reliably execute a tree falling on your property.

Comprehensive Tree Removal Services in Houston and Peach County

When inviting a company onto your property, you want to ensure you’re working with someone who can safely remove the tree and provide you with a full-service tree removal experience. Here is how we do just that:

Tree Risk Assessment. Removing a tree is a dangerous feat when done incorrectly. In addition, there are invisible factors to consider, such as tree rot, weight distribution, or a wound. Yankee Bell Tree Works has extensive experience completing thorough assessments to ensure your and your family’s safety.

Hazardous Tree Removal. If you have a live or dead tree that you suspect has unsafe qualities, our team has the experience and training to provide a comprehensive assessment and subsequent safe removal. Some of the trees we can remediate are near power lines, decayed trunks or roots, leaning trees, or those with proximity to structures.

Tree Topping and Trimming. Trimming the sides and tops of trees can help your home’s trees become healthier, be more productive, and avoid growing larger than desired. In addition, trimming and topping can help prevent contact with power lines or your home and remove diseased limbs before spreading.

Stump Grinding Services. Whether your stump is due to us removing a tree or is one that you have had on your property for some time, Yankee Bell Tree Works can dispose of nuisance stumps, including leveling out the property as if it wasn’t even there.

Superior Clean Up. In addition to removal, there is a substantial clean-up consideration that homeowners don’t always realize with any fall. Sawdust, branches, woodchips, leaves, and needles will be strewn about after a tree or stump service, and at Yankee Bell Tree Works, we take the time to tidy your yard and leave it how we found it.

Yankee Bell Tree Works: Your Expert Residential Arborists

Whatever services you require, you can trust that our team will analyze your home to ensure we create a custom plan to deliver the best results. We are insured and fully invested in your satisfaction. Call us today at (478) 444-2612 or by filling out our website contact form to book your service.